

In mr. pratts class we've been doing some 3 hour illustrations. That is, we come into class 8:30 in the morning, get a topic and by the time class is over at 11:15, we're suppose to have a finished piece. its great practice and i'm really glad he's been making us do it. So here are some of them, and some not 3 hour illustrations.

This wasn't 3 hours, i would say around 6. The article was about the Somali pirates reaching the big time at the high sea. I decide to put some pirates at the top of composition and a large amount of "water" to go along with the high sea idea; and to play around with the idea of them reaching the big time i decided to put the dress the ships they hijack as poker chips, hence the water being green like a poker table. I thought it would also add the aspect that they are gambling with lives and alot of money. Sort of corny i suppose.

This was one of the 3 hours ones. It was about a terminator gene in plants that makes them unfertile and affects new crops, unfortunately i don't remember much about the article. But i wanted to have a young plant dying as if viewed through a sonogram to show that the plants will stop growing and eventually die off.

Another 3 hour one. This was about a Nazi doctor who took refuge in a town in Brazil and claimed to be a vet. He did experiments in animals and claimed he could make cows more likely to give birth to twin bulls. Eventually he also acted as a doctor in the town and many of the pregnant women he treated were much more likely to not only have twins, but the babies were also more likely to be blonde with blue eyes.

and this was an open assignment that i have no explanation for...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the fish people, haha.